
Children from the Centre for Social Support of Children and Families "Domashne Teplo" shared their dreams about the future

2024-04-12 16:35

"My dream is that Ukraine wins and peace comes to the whole planet"

Children dream of peace and of a peaceful future. One that is not associated with war, horrors, or losses...

On the eve of the World Day of Aviation and Astronautics, children from the Centre for Social Support of Children and Families "Domashne Teplo" in Nizhny Bystry in Transcarpathia, which is run by the "The Future for Children'' Charitable Foundation, shared their dreams about the future - how they see it and what they want to achieve.
Myroslava Vovchok, 8 years old:
“My dream is that Ukraine will win and peace will come to the whole planet.”
Yuriy Vovchok, 5 years old:
“I dream that bright stars will always shine on the Earth, and there will never be war, and everyone will live happily…”
Bohdana Voron, 13 years old:
“The universe is everything that exists: The Earth, the Sun, the Moon and other planets. It is all very interesting, and I have always wanted to learn as much as possible about space. That is why I want to become an astronaut and I hope my dream will come true.”
Hanna Hintsiak, 11 years old:
“This drawing was inspired by my dream of going into space. Although this dream may seem unrealistic and unattainable, I keep it in my heart. And I believe that one day my dream of flying into space will come true and I will become a part of this wonderful world.”
Ivanka Ihnatko, 14 years old:
“My drawing is like my signature, it's a part of me. It reflects my attitude towards life, shows my own style, as my dream is to live in a free, independent, prosperous country where I can develop as a person. And even as an adult, I can easily find my childhood drawing among dozens of similar ones.”
Yevhen Kuritsa, 9 years old:
“Space... What is it? For me, it is something boundless and endless. Space has neither beginning nor end. In my drawing, I depicted space with all the colours of the rainbow, because I dream of a life without sadness and pain, with my family by my side.”
Roman Ovsienko, 9 years old:
“I drew this picture because, like everyone else, I dream of going into space. But until my dream came true, I captured it on paper.”
Anastasia Mykulka, 9 years old:
“Many people probably dream of becoming an astronaut. And so do I... That's why I drew a coloured planet, because that's what space looks like to me. Nowadays, only a few people become astronauts, and maybe I will have such a chance…”
Tatiana Kuritsa, 14 years old:
“Many people say that if you dream, your dream will come true. By creating this drawing, I am passing on my dream - to see a peaceful planet from space. The main thing is to believe, and then everything will happen.”
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