
"The Future for Children" Charitable Foundation and the German organisation "Sign of Hope" organised a holiday for children of IDPs in Transcarpathia

2023-08-25 12:43
Improving children's health and helping them prepare for the new school year - this was the goal pursued by "The Future for Children" Charitable Foundation when our team began looking for partners to organise recreation for IDP children who, due to the war, were forced to leave their homes and settle based on the Nizhnyobistrivka Gymnasium in Transcarpathia.

The international humanitarian organization Sign of Hope (Hoffnungszeichen) responded to the fund's appeal. Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Sign of Hope mission, with the support of the German Foreign Ministry (GFFO), has provided various assistance to more than 40,000 people.
On August 24, over 50 children from internally displaced families from different regions of Ukraine arrived at the "Zolota Gora" recreation complex near Uzhhorod. During the week, they can rest and recover at the facility's base in the middle of a green forest. Here, all conditions for rehabilitation have been created for children - pools with healing thermal water, an area with a petting zoo, and quality food. During the week, the children in the camp will have a rich program, says the coordinator of the British Camp in Uzhhorod, which accepts children, Kateryna Borodina: "Our program includes physical activities and creative meetings, and many trainings with psychologists, which will help build friendly relations among themselves. We want the children to have the best impressions of the summer".
Among the children who will rest in the camp until the end of the summer, nine boys and girls have been living in Transcarpathia for more than a year - on the basis of the Nizhnyobistrivka gymnasium. Here, families from Izyum, Kharkiv, Kramatorsk, and Bakhmut found new homes, children attended school, and their relatives found work.

"Several hundred thousand Ukrainians, who had to leave their homes because of the russian invaders, found shelter in Transcarpathia. Some still live in the Khust district based on the Nizhnyobistrovka gymnasium," said Oleksandr Nikishev, the head of "The Future for Children '' Charitable Foundation. - Our Foundation has been helping the families of IDPs since the first days of the full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine. We also constantly cooperate with public organisations, charitable foundations, and business structures to attract the most considerable possible help for these families. We are grateful to the German organisation "Sign of Hope'' for this opportunity. I hope we will work together on other projects as well."
The Tolk Group of Companies, which systematically assists families from internally displaced persons to educational institutions, joined the recreation organisation. In particular, Tolk contributed to the setting up of a computer class for IDP children living in the gymnasium and participated in other humanitarian projects. The Group helped organise a transfer for children from Nizhny Bystro to Uzhhorod and back.

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