
People with a big heart. Volunteer Anna Vintse

2023-07-18 18:54
Volunteer Anna Vintse from Vynohradov, Transcarpathia, discovered by accident that her colleague, volunteer Alla Dovhii, was collecting necessary things, hygiene products, and toys for children from socially vulnerable families. "I noticed this post on social networks, contacted Alla, and she already told me about the situation at the "Domashne Teplo" centre in Nizhny Bystry, about the needs of children, and therefore I decided to go and see everything with my own eyes to understand needs, volumes, tasks and capabilities clearly," says Ms Anna.
She delivered her first aid to children on St. Nicholas Day. The woman announced a fundraiser, which was responded to by her numerous friends, acquaintances, and colleagues, and managed to accumulate about 40 thousand hryvnias. And with these funds, Anna bought jackets and shoes for girls and boys from a shoe factory.

In the spring, by Easter, thanks to the efforts of Anna Vintse, the children received another novelty - spring clothes. The girls and boys, who have grown up a lot over the winter, were delighted with the new items.

"Just then, during the Easter visit, I asked the children, what do they want? What do they dream about? Anna told us. - They said that they dream of a trampoline, they want to play outside, jump, but the trampoline is not available... So, within a few hours at home, I wrote a post about how the children need our help with food and clothes, but especially with rest, because, in this difficult time, it is so important to have the opportunity to rest at least a little from lessons, assignments, from the war..."
With tears in her eyes, the volunteer recalls that one of the first to respond to the post was the mother of the fallen Hero of Ukraine. She called and said to come for the money. She said that she wants to help children grow up happy. The woman handed Anna 8,000 hryvnias. Later, a local businessman called and also contributed funds. As a result, the volunteer personally delivered a trampoline, sweets, dairy products, and other essential items to the mountain village.

Anna is constantly in contact with the head of the Center, Olga Tegza - they communicate, discuss the needs and problems of the institution, and look for ways to solve issues. So far, they have jointly collected funds for a powerful boiler for the institution because the existing one does not cope with the load, and hygiene for children is extremely important.

"Many of my acquaintances and friends joined the collection of funds for the boiler. My good friend Denys Nikitchenko gave the lion's share of the required amount. Maria Lychut helped a lot," says Anna. - With the help of all caring people, purchasing a sofa for children from the Center for Social Support was also possible. We all aim to live and raise children in a free Ukraine. That's why we don't stop. Glory to Ukraine!"
Anna not only helps the Center to solve urgent needs but also participates in raising children. Yes, she organized a meeting of the pupils of the institution with the heroes of Ukraine. The volunteer correctly notes: "Children should know their angels face to face. It's very nice when soldiers while being treated, are happy to visit little Ukrainians."

At the end of June, Mrs Anna announced another collection. "We are starting to prepare children from the Social Support Center (Nizhniy Bystry) for school. It seems like there is still a lot of time, but in fact, there is not. We will be glad for any support."

The "The Future for Children" Charitable Foundation team is infinitely grateful to Ms Anna for her work, contribution, and big and sincere heart. Together we are indeed a great force!

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