
Medicine, food and hygienic things are the basis for the current humanitarian supply from the Foundation “The Future for Children” to a number of Kiev medical organisations

2022-03-25 12:51

The team of the Charitable Foundation "The Future for Children" responded to a request for help from the Kyiv City Consultative and Diagnostic Center, which provides medical care to wounded soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Among other things, the institution needed medicines, food and hygiene products. Our volunteers have collected the necessary materials and humanitarian cargo is already on the way to the medical center. 

We are glad to help also to  the Main Medical Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, which has also appealed to its representatives with a request.

In particular, there was a list with a medicine necessary to provide medical care to Ukrainian servicemen and law enforcement officers who were injured due to military aggression by the russian federation. Volunteers of the Charitable Foundation "The Future for Children" managed to find and collected needed medicines. This humanitarian aid has already been sent to Kyiv.

Note - the Foundation "The Future for Children'' was created by a team of activists who successfully implemented the project of the NGO "IT Education Development" in peacetime. Because of the war, our volunteers have changed the direction of activity and provide assistance to victims of russian aggression, in particular, providing assistance to evacuated children, wounded soldiers and citizens forced to leave their homes and leave for peaceful regions of our country.