
"The Future for Children" and publishing house "Knygolav" have joined forces to popularise the Ukrainian cultural code in the world

2023-09-01 18:16
"The Future for Children" Charitable Foundation and the "Knygolav" book publishing house signed a memorandum of cooperation within the framework of Olympic Dreams - a project to preserve the Olympic Reserve of Ukraine, which also aims to popularise the Ukrainian cultural code in friendly countries. The project involves a combination of efforts in the direction of sports, a healthy lifestyle, culture and personality development of the young generation of Ukrainians.

Today, one of the main activities of "The Future for Children" is the Olympic Dreams project, which supports young Ukrainian athletes and creates conditions for continuous and safe training during the war.

"Olympic Dreams was started in the spring of 2022 with the rescue of child athletes from Bucha and Irpin - says Oleksandra Novikova, co-founder of the Fund and the Head of the project. Thanks to the project, today, almost half a thousand young Olympians from 7 different kinds of sports could continue training in 8 safe countries and develop their sports careers under the Ukrainian flag even during the war. In each country of the project, we carry Ukrainian values through the prism of sports, and now, together with new partners, we aim to spread Ukrainian culture in the world."

Oleksandra Novikova

While in the partner countries, Ukrainian athletes act as ambassadors of the Ukrainian cultural code and raise the international image of Ukraine.

"Since its creation in 2016, Knygolav has specialised in publishing the best works for children and teenagers, fiction and non-fiction literature," said the co-founder of the publishing house, Svitlana Paveletska. - Our main mission is to create books for people who want to change themselves and the world around them. We believe that getting to know the national heritage will contribute to the formation of patriotic values and the expansion of the worldview of Ukrainian youth."

Svitlana Paveletska

The first steps of cooperation have already begun, and both sides are confident that cooperation will be an important step toward increasing Ukraine's prestige globally.

Information and details:

In 2021, "The Future for Children'' Charity Foundation was created to support the children of the Nizhnyobistrivska Gymnasium who found themselves in difficult living conditions. From the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia into Ukraine, the Foundation's team began to systematically help sports youth, medical institutions, boarding schools and families with children who were in a difficult situation due to the war. In the spring of 2022, the Foundation's team launched the Olympic Dreams project to preserve the Olympic Reserve of Ukraine.

Facebook: @future2children
Instagram: @future2children

Publishing House "Knygolav" (#knygolav) is a Ukrainian publishing house specialising in publishing children's literature, fiction, popular science, as well as non-fiction literature. The publishing house translates world bestsellers and cooperates with many famous Ukrainian authors.

Facebook: @knygolove
Instagram: @knygolove