
In Nizhny Bystrivska gymnasium in Transcarpathia on Easter arranged a holiday for Ukrainian internal migrants - the Charitable Foundation "The Future for Children"

2022-04-27 12:31
Easter celebrations were organized for internally displaced families in Transcarpathia. Employees of Nizhny Bystrovska gymnasium in Transcarpathia celebrated Easter together with internal migrant families - the Charitable Foundation "The Future for children".

Employees of the Nizhny Bystrovska gymnasium in Transcarpathia together with the team of “The Future for Children” Charitable Foundation and caring people organized a real holiday for families with children who were forced to leave their homes due to the war. Currently, there are about 100 people who temporarily live on the territory of the gymnasium.

Employees of the gymnasium and the Foundation did their best to distract families from the tragic situation and join in the celebration of Easter, celebrating it comfortably and in a family way, in a large new family.

Earlier, the Foundation's team delivered the necessary medicines to some medical organizations in Kyiv, joined the creation of a humanitarian hub in Kharkiv, and systematically supported the families of IDPs.

The team of “The Future for Children” Charitable Foundation - activists who in peacetime successfully implemented a project of the NGO "IT Education Development", which supported young IT professionals and development of the IT sector in Ukraine. They came together to help children and families with children who found themselves in difficult life circumstances due to the war in Ukraine.