
As part of the Olympic Dreams project, young athletes from Bucha, Irpin, and Hostomil received new judogis for training

2023-10-27 13:31
As part of the seventh camp of the Olympic Dreams project in Japan, an agreement was reached with the All Japan Judo Federation on the charitable transfer of 80 sets of judogi - sports kimono for training - to young Ukrainian judokas.

The first who received their new judogis were young athletes from the affected regions of the country - the hero cities of Bucha, Irpen, and Gostomel.

The ceremony for the students of the "Achilles" and "Judoka" clubs took place at the Bucha Sports Academy. The ceremony was attended by the Mayor of the city of Bucha, Anatoly Fedoruk; the Head coach of the Ukrainian National Judo team, Vitaliy Dubrov; the President of the National Olympic Committee of the Kyiv regional branch, Ihor Malinskyi; a member of the National Olympic Committee, an employee of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Serhiy Gaidai, a participant of the Olympic Games, an honoured coach of Ukraine and honoured worker of physical education and sports of Ukraine, technical director of the Olympic Dreams project Karen Balayan, member of the National Olympic Committee of the Kyiv regional branch, master of sports of the international class, general secretary of the Olympic Dreams project Oleksandra Starkova.

The judogi ceremony in Irpen took place at the destroyed Champion stadium, in the judo hall, which was completely destroyed due to a full-scale invasion. The whole world saw the photos from this hall. The Mayor of Irpen, Oleksandr Markushyn, noted in his speech that rebuilding the "Champion" stadium has already begun and promised that the next photos will be taken in the rebuilt hall.

The event in Gostomel took place in the sports hall of Lyceum 1 of the Gostomel settlement council, which, by the way, is a shelter for students and the community during air raids.
The children enjoyed the first fitting of the new judogi. We are sure that they will lead our young athletes only to victory! This day was an important step for them on the way to new heights.

The event ended with the presentation of gratitude from the Olympic Dreams project of "The Future for Children" Charitable Foundation to everyone involved in this important event. Gratitude for the support, assistance and development of the project to the Mayor of Bucha Anatoliy Fedoruk, the Mayor of Irpin Oleksandr Markushyn, the director of Gostomel Lyceum 1 Volodymyr Zakhlyupany, the President of the National Olympic Committee Ihor Malinskyi, the head coach of the Ukrainian National team Vitaly Dubrov was presented by the technical director of the Olympic Dreams project Karen Balayan.
We are sincerely grateful to Shinichi Nakamura, the President of the All Japan Judo Federation, for his kindness and charity, and we sincerely thank the Ambassador of Ukraine to Japan, Serhiy Korsunskyi, for his assistance.

We thank the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, the NOC of Ukraine, the Branch of NOC of Ukraine in Kyiv region, and the Judo Federation of Ukraine for cooperation and support of the project. This event emphasised the importance of international collaboration in supporting the Olympic Reserve of Ukraine.

Information and details:
Facebook: @olympic.dreams.project
Instagram: @olympic_dreams_ua